Every year the Planning Committee of the Mussomelese Society accords special recognition to certain members. The choices are based on faithful membership and particular dedication to its purpose, “to carry on the tradition of our ancestors in honoring Mary, the Mother of God, under the title of Our Lady of Miracles, Patroness of Mussomeli.” The honorees are acknowledged at the annual festive luncheon following the Mass. Recent Honorees are:
2022 Mr. and Mrs. Francesco Nicastro (Posthumous)
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mendola
2019 Connie Hessler
Vicky & John McConnell
2018 Ms. Joanne Barba
2017 Michael & Lynn Bonfante
Robert & Suzanne Wells
2016 Mrs. Josephine Licata
Mr. & Mrs. James Arnone
2015 Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Cancellieri
Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Rizzone
2014 Mrs. & Mrs. Salvatore Giovino
2013 Mrs. Gloria Cordaro
Mrs. Claire Leone
2012 Mr. & Mrs. Giuseppe Cicero
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lafornara
2011 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Gennuso
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leone
2010 Dr. & Mrs. Basil Arnone
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Arnone
2009 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur (Bonfante) Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Testa
2008 Mrs. Josephine Cicero
Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Piparo
2007 Mrs. Carol Spasiano
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vizzini
2006 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Saladino
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Morreale
2005 75th Anniversary
2004 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent V. Padalino
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rizzone, Jr.
2003 Dr. & Mrs. Albert Menno
Mrs. Clare Gioele
2002 Rev. Charles Amico
Dr. Margaret Pericak Vance
2001 Mr. Joseph Bonfante
Judge John Pericak
2000 Rev. Msgr. Richard S. Amico
Rev. Paul Salemi
1999 Mrs. Rosalia Giovino
Miss Jenny Giovino
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Molea
1998 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Amico
Mrs. Rose LaMastra
1997 Mrs. Catherine DiLaura
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ruffino
1996 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Amico
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo LaMonto
1995 Officers of the Planning Committee
1994 Ms. Mary (Mingoia) Cappadonia
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spoto